Not a bug CS:S - Can't get my (EGO) tag to appear

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secretly an alien in a human suit
What is the scope of your bug report?

Short description of the bug
Can't get my (EGO) tag to appear

Detailed description of the bug
I hopped into CSS and logged into Edgegamers today and can't seem to get my EGO tag to appear. any help would be appreciated!
What is the scope of your bug report?

Short description of the bug
Can't get my (EGO) tag to appear

Detailed description of the bug
I hopped into CSS and logged into Edgegamers today and can't seem to get my EGO tag to appear. any help would be appreciated!
It appears you have your tag now. Is it not showing up in game still? You need to log into forums at least once a week to keep maul and your tags active.
Yeah! still not showing up in game, i'll check again though and see. I'm sure it'll reappear eventually lol
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