Do people in eGO still play Destiny 2?

Do you still play Destiny 2?

  • All the time

    Points: 0 0.0%
  • Every once in a while

    Points: 4 33.3%
  • Rarely

    Points: 1 8.3%
  • Not anymore / Never

    Points: 7 58.3%

  • Total voters


eGO's silliest european
Hello there!
It's been quite a while since eGO Destiny 2 shut down, but I'm curious if people still play Destiny 2 often here?
Also, what's your opinion on 'The Final Shape'? Don't give any spoilers to it but I just want to see what people thought of it. I haven't played it yet but I've heard that it wasn't very good and its also quite expensive.
Been several years since I played, though I did enjoy the game a lot at points. I could be tempted to play again but, depends on DLC prices to get caught up... I also originally bought the game at full pop before it went free to play
Yes people still play but from what I saw a community would have to be rebuilt from scratch. Most committed players moved on to either other servers or other things outside of eGO. In general the game is still one of the most popular free games on Steam so it could possibly work. I brought this to the attention of leadership in hopes to start the conversation of re-opening dedicated games we closed such as Rust and Destiny 2.

If we want to survive, I believe we have to venture out of or current game roster and open different games. Casting a bigger net has to become a part of leadership's vision for growth. Unfortunately, at the moment the largest obstacle is we have no committed tech person to maintain a Rust or Destiny 2 server. This may be a chicken or the egg situation. If we have the server we can draw people and among them possibly find a tech volunteer, versus not having a server and assuredly not drawing in anyone. But yes, there are a few in the community who would still play.
Played up until the Final Shape, haven't played since, the grind got repetitive though it always has been I suppose.... Think I grew out of it after 10 years and most of my buddies moved on that I grew up playing with since D1 but the Final Shape was a great stopping point imo. And to answer your question, the DLC is 100% worth it just for the storyline if nothing else. Raid was pretty fun as well one of the better ones, again, imo but many people agree. If you have been following the lore since D1 its worth at least watching a playthrough of The Final Shape...very bittersweet
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Destiny 2's still pretty active, yeah. Lots of people still playing.
As for The Final Shape... mixed bag, I'd say. Some loved it, some felt it was overpriced for what you got. Definitely read some reviews before you jump in, especially considering the cost.