CS Jailbreak Treaty of the Temporary Ceasefire


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Treaty of the Temporary Ceasefire Between.Snail and Oz
Date: December 24, 2024

We, the undersigned, representing the respective factions of .Snail and Oz, do hereby declare a temporary ceasefire and agree to the following terms:

Article I: Ceasefire Agreement Immediate Ceasefire
Both gangs agree to cease all hostile actions against each other for the duration of this treaty. This includes: No direct combat (i.e., no shooting at opposing gang members). No sabotage of jail cells or equipment that could affect the opposing gang's game performance. Duration of CeasefireThis ceasefire will remain in effect until midnight (12:00 AM UTC), after which both gangs are free to resume normal activities unless a further agreement is reached.

Article II: Shared Interests and Cooperation Jail Breakers' Rights
In the event of a jailbreak scenario, both gangs agree to temporarily cooperate in neutralizing any external threats that may arise from non-gang players or rogue prisoners. Cooperation will be limited to preventing chaos and maintaining a semi-organized jailbreak event. Both gangs will refrain from directly interfering in each other's jailbreak plans. Territory AgreementEach gang will respect the boundaries of their designated areas on the map, which are as follows: .Snail: Control over the main prison yard and central tower area.Oz: Control over the eastern control room and the west watch tower.

Article III: Respect and Conduct Rules of Engagement
Should a member of either gang choose to violate the ceasefire, the opposing gang has the right to call a "Respectful Duel". This duel is: A 1v1 fight between a representative from each gang, where the winner decides the outcome. Both gangs agree to provide a neutral arena for such duels, free from interference from outside parties. Communication and SignalsHandshake: Both gangs will establish a peace signal by performing a designated handshake upon encountering each other in-game (e.g., a simple "wave" or "thumbs up" gesture).Red Flag: A red flag will indicate an act of aggression, meaning that a violation of the treaty has occurred and the ceasefire is broken.

Article IV: Violations of the Treaty Penalty for Violations
Any member found breaking the treaty terms will be banished from the next jailbreak round and forced to participate as a prisoner under the opposing gang's control for the duration of the round.ArbitrationIn the event of a dispute regarding the terms of this treaty, both gangs agree to submit to an arbitration process where an impartial party (i.e., a trusted server admin or neutral player) will resolve the issue based on fairness and mutual respect.

Article V: Future Considerations Extension of Ceasefire
Both gangs may, at any time, choose to extend or renegotiate the terms of the ceasefire, but must give at least 48 hours’ notice prior to any changes. End of Ceasefire: This treaty may be nullified at any time by mutual agreement between both gangs or if the ceasefire expires, after which both factions are free to engage in hostilities as they see fit.

We, the undersigned, agree to abide by the terms outlined in this treaty, understanding that it is intended for temporary peace and mutual cooperation for the benefit of all players on the server.

.Snail Leader: Safarin

Oz Leader: glint
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