A awsomeandrw I made one post Jun 18, 2007 #22 man kodiak how do you make such good sigs. my favorite is the matrix redone. now thats amazing.
B BREAK_EM_OUT_JONES EGO Is My Life! Jun 18, 2007 #23 lol that matrix thing is awesome. Your computer must be amazing, just look at the characters.
K Kodiak Poster Jun 18, 2007 #26 i go into garry's mod, pose the characters, then do some post processing and then take them into photoshop to crop, and put text
i go into garry's mod, pose the characters, then do some post processing and then take them into photoshop to crop, and put text
B BREAK_EM_OUT_JONES EGO Is My Life! Jun 19, 2007 #29 the third one looks the best, i would go with that!
C Cookiefreak Poster Jun 19, 2007 #33 would hurt to ask you if u can make me a sign???? you of a sniper eating a cookie while aiming at someone..=).. please
would hurt to ask you if u can make me a sign???? you of a sniper eating a cookie while aiming at someone..=).. please
3 {3xG} bradyfan_08 Active Member Jun 19, 2007 #34 hahaha kodiak thats great man, and i'm pretty big on DJ's sig too lol. maybe i'm just new to this, but how really do you make those??
hahaha kodiak thats great man, and i'm pretty big on DJ's sig too lol. maybe i'm just new to this, but how really do you make those??
K Kodiak Poster Jun 19, 2007 #36 you use garrys mod.. its like a sandbox mod for source.. you model the characters, pretty fun if you get good at it
you use garrys mod.. its like a sandbox mod for source.. you model the characters, pretty fun if you get good at it
L LegendOfChaos13 -TR- EGO Addict Jun 20, 2007 #37 lol bubba nice sig haha is that you to this very day?
T TheLegoMan Active Member Jun 20, 2007 #38 Kodiak i think you were born with a mouse in your hand ;]