Stat pages


What's up with the stat pages? They seem a bit...'off'.

Is it still tabulating all the data or something?
Well, back when I was playing on [RFSS].(pie), the stats were fun to use because of the weekly awards and they really represented who the good players were. I hope the stats get sorted out soon so we can see where we stand against our fellow DoD:S players.
I think the only one thats still out of wack is EGO2 (aka Avalanche)... donner and kalt server stats are just about right, at least for my stats I cant vouche for others...
ingame rank for me today said i was number 20 in the server but on the stat pages im not even listed lol
I think Nirvana is talking about Ava, it's still funky though. I am looking forward to them being completed :)