wow that game looked action packed. It was like reading a lame court drama in anime form. Well i did forget to mention that i buy brand new games off of ebay for like 15 dollars a piece. I have games like Madden, Prince of Persia, Socom Navy seals, Tony Hawk Underground 2, Grand Theft Auto, Untold Legends, Rainbow 6 vegas, Fight Night Round 3, and NFL Street. and most games are not even over 40 bucks.
Plus i have quite a few movies. I watch them while im in a car on some kind of road trip, or even on a plane. I know i could watch a movie at home, but now i can watch them on the road too.
The main reason i use pictures for my psp are for the backgrounds i can set. I have some pretty cool custom backgrounds and it is really cool to have custom backgrounds.
Rumor has it that you can buy a camera attatchment for the PSP and actually take pictures with it.
I can go online with it. So when i am at some internet hot spot i can link up and browse the internet.
but hey, you have two screens, twice as good right?
The DS just came out with a web browser as well, along with other mutlimedia devices. Besides, how many of those games that you've listed are for the PS2 already (Which is ironically a cheaper price than the PSP's)? Five out of six of those games are ports from the PS2. Now, I'd understand if the game were a PSone port, since Playstation one games were awesome. For example, Resident Evil DS is a port of the very first Resident Evil, but some innovative things are added. In the multiplayer Co-op, you can give your fallen comrades mouth-to-mouth resuscitation via microphone.
Sure, you can "s400t p33pZ" in GTA, which in my opinion seems ironically immature. As of this moment typing, I have 35 games (No lie). Some of my favorites include:
Dead 'n Furious -
Trauma Center -
Hotel Dusk 215 -
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHhSh4vcI7k&mode=related&search= (You might not like this game since you don't sound like the guy who doesn't like a lot of reading in his game due to the amount of action packed games you chose. The DS is held on its side like a book for this game. The game is a mystery/interrogation game. It's not all about collecting stickers. That's the best I could find.)
Phoenix Wright - You all saw a video. Sure it's anime, but I have no problem with skilled hand-drawn sprites. The game is intelligent, witty, and very humorous.
Those are just some of my favorites since that's what we are listing after all.
EDIT: Sorry, I guess I hadn't cleared up anything about the multimedia features of the DS. Therefore, there couldn't of been anything for you to read.