[moved] Anyone here like the Nintendo DS?


Forum Fiend
Personally, I think the Nintendo DS is possibly one of the greatest systems out now. Everyone seems to bash it for its graphics and it's multimedia capabilities, but it's meant to be a gaming console. If anyone is a fan of the handheld, I'd thought I'd exploit my brother's radio show.


The forum that goes along with it is mature such as this one. The maturity is very strict. Rules are things like no animated avatars or 1337 speak. I just thought I'd tell anyone who likes the DS about it. I guess I'm trying to support my brother.
I like my PSP way better. Its games are better and the graphics are way better. Plus you can go on the internet with them. I actually am typing this from my psp right now.
I like my PSP way better. Its games are better and the graphics are way better. Plus you can go on the internet with them. I actually am typing this from my psp right now.

I got the internet with the DS as well. Personally, I don't see how the games are way better than the DS's. I can vouch for the graphics, but seriously, I got Trauma Center, a game where you use the stylus as a surgical knife to perform opeartions while the PSP has games like 50 Cent: Bulletproof. I once owned a PSP myself, and I thought it was better. Of course, I realized that most of the things I was doing with the PSP, Sony wouldn't allow. I ended up selling it, finding the DS moments later to fend off my need for gaming. As of this moment, I'm playing Brothers in Arms, which plays a lot like Gears of War.

Just my opinion.
Ha, @ Outbreak, I've typed so many posts from my PSP. Most of them were from before I left.

Anyway, I have both the DS and PSP and I couldn't say I prefer either one over the other. The DS has it's unique touch screen which is great for FPS's, especially Metroid Prime: Hunters which is wicked fun online. It also has the dual-screen layout and a built in microphone which has a lot of potential, as long as some games come along that take advantage of it. The PSP also has its advantages, like the graphics, access to the internet, and some of the other features like sharing pictures, listening to music, watching movies, etc. I like 'em both.
striker and me own a nintendo DS and we are planning on Having WIFI battles soon when i am done training, i am a huge nintendo fan
they only good thing PSP is good for is downloading emulators
otherwise is a worthless piece of "bleep"
The PSP also has its advantagesl, access to the internet, and some of the other features like sharing pictures, listening to music, watching movies, etc. I like 'em both.

You can do those on the DS, as well. Check out the Max launcher and the DS Web Browser cart in stores (Web browser powered by Opera). Then again, what's the point if you already have a PSP. Anyways, if you get an account on Dual Screen Radio, you can show in your profile what games you own and put your friend codes down. You can make more friends of a mature audience to get connected with you. I have to admit that my guiltiest pleasure on the DS is Pokemon Diamond. The online is amazing. You can even use the microphone to voice chat with VoiP. You can have battles and trade your Pokemon with friends or with people all around the world. I can't imagine someone trash talking over a thwomping of the epic struggles between Pokemon. I also own other WiFi games like Metroid, Mario Kart, Tetris, and probably some I haven't named yet. If you guys ever want to play, PM with friend codes and we'll throw down.

Anyways, did you guys happen to look at the site?
I think you can hook those things up to a computer right?

Well, a PSP takes USB and you can insert the expensive memory card in a media reader. You can stick an SD card, which is taken by the DS, in a media reader to backup saved games and things like that. The game cartridges for the DS are the memory stick itself.
yeah well you using 50 cent bulletproof as a game reference is not fair. that game sucks. and im sure the ds has its crappy games too. Im just a psp fan... I have a 1gig card in it and i listen to music on it all the time. can your precious DS do that?
yeah well you using 50 cent bulletproof as a game reference is not fair. that game sucks. and im sure the ds has its crappy games too. Im just a psp fan... I have a 1gig card in it and i listen to music on it all the time. can your precious DS do that?

Actually, it can. And guess what? What's the point of having any of those? The of handheld gaming system is to play games. I have an MP3 player to listen to my music. I have the option of having an MP3 player on my DS, with a minimal fee (Thanks Nintendo for not including this so I wouldn't be charged more and giving me the option of upgrading whenever I wanted). The funny thing is, so far the only things you've listed for the PSP are the multimedia capabilities. I don't see the big attraction of having four things of lesser quality on one machine when you can have better quality on another. I mean, it's cool that you use it as an MP3 player and all, but seriously, does the thing even play games? It's a gaming system that does everything but have a less equipped library of games that follows it up. And besides, does the fact that the PSP boasts, what 3 - 5 hours of playtime as opposed to 10 - 16 hours on the DS (Lite) tell you that the system is really for gaming, or does it only do things that you can do in your house already? Want to watch a movie, watch it on your TV. Want to listen to a song, hook your headphones up to your computer. Want to look at a picture?....Go through your parent's photo album. Besides, you don't hear me bragging that the DS has VoiP chat via microphone.

I don't know. I bought the PSP hoping there'd be good games out. All I've seen are overpriced ports of Playstation games with some crappy twist to them (Metal Gear....AND CARDS!). Forget that, man. I want to defend clients who are accused of murder by presenting evidence that contradict with a witness's faulty testimony ( Phoenix Wright: Justice for All - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qoCqkp51rQQ ).

I'll admit that the PSP has some games that I'd consider buying, but with a price tag of $40 - $50? I'd rather spend $30 for my games, personally. Can't you almost pretty much buy an Xbox 360, PS3, or Wii game for that much? That's way too expensive for a system that puts out games on a handheld.

Go on, you can say something like "Oh, well the DS is for kids" or "Nintendo can't survive without Mario". I've heard those lines before, and easily dissected them. All and all, the DS is the one system that I've been waiting for; One that plays games effectively. And I'm no fanboy. My favorite systems have been Sony marketed for two generations, and I have to say that I am finished with them.

I didn't expect to argue, just wondered if there were any DS fans that would like to listen to my brother's show is all.
nice argument lol
and yes i am a Nintendoid a big nintendo freak : )
i make trips to nintendo world weekly to check things out : )

now thing week when i go i will need to buy the nintendo wii WIFI connector because someone wants to balltle me in pokemon Pearl : ) but for now i am just training : )
and i also have Mario Kart ds : )
So if you have the Mic For the ds is Be Ready cause i will be asking for racing////Battles agains you : )
wow that game looked action packed. It was like reading a lame court drama in anime form. Well i did forget to mention that i buy brand new games off of ebay for like 15 dollars a piece. I have games like Madden, Prince of Persia, Socom Navy seals, Tony Hawk Underground 2, Grand Theft Auto, Untold Legends, Rainbow 6 vegas, Fight Night Round 3, and NFL Street. and most games are not even over 40 bucks.

Plus i have quite a few movies. I watch them while im in a car on some kind of road trip, or even on a plane. I know i could watch a movie at home, but now i can watch them on the road too.

The main reason i use pictures for my psp are for the backgrounds i can set. I have some pretty cool custom backgrounds and it is really cool to have custom backgrounds.

Rumor has it that you can buy a camera attatchment for the PSP and actually take pictures with it.

I can go online with it. So when i am at some internet hot spot i can link up and browse the internet.

but hey, you have two screens, twice as good right?
wow that game looked action packed. It was like reading a lame court drama in anime form. Well i did forget to mention that i buy brand new games off of ebay for like 15 dollars a piece. I have games like Madden, Prince of Persia, Socom Navy seals, Tony Hawk Underground 2, Grand Theft Auto, Untold Legends, Rainbow 6 vegas, Fight Night Round 3, and NFL Street. and most games are not even over 40 bucks.

Plus i have quite a few movies. I watch them while im in a car on some kind of road trip, or even on a plane. I know i could watch a movie at home, but now i can watch them on the road too.

The main reason i use pictures for my psp are for the backgrounds i can set. I have some pretty cool custom backgrounds and it is really cool to have custom backgrounds.

Rumor has it that you can buy a camera attatchment for the PSP and actually take pictures with it.

I can go online with it. So when i am at some internet hot spot i can link up and browse the internet.

but hey, you have two screens, twice as good right?

The DS just came out with a web browser as well, along with other mutlimedia devices. Besides, how many of those games that you've listed are for the PS2 already (Which is ironically a cheaper price than the PSP's)? Five out of six of those games are ports from the PS2. Now, I'd understand if the game were a PSone port, since Playstation one games were awesome. For example, Resident Evil DS is a port of the very first Resident Evil, but some innovative things are added. In the multiplayer Co-op, you can give your fallen comrades mouth-to-mouth resuscitation via microphone.

Sure, you can "s400t p33pZ" in GTA, which in my opinion seems ironically immature. As of this moment typing, I have 35 games (No lie). Some of my favorites include:

Dead 'n Furious - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxveUbo_SVs

Trauma Center - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUtoZYxMGzg

Hotel Dusk 215 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHhSh4vcI7k&mode=related&search= (You might not like this game since you don't sound like the guy who doesn't like a lot of reading in his game due to the amount of action packed games you chose. The DS is held on its side like a book for this game. The game is a mystery/interrogation game. It's not all about collecting stickers. That's the best I could find.)

Phoenix Wright - You all saw a video. Sure it's anime, but I have no problem with skilled hand-drawn sprites. The game is intelligent, witty, and very humorous.

Those are just some of my favorites since that's what we are listing after all.

EDIT: Sorry, I guess I hadn't cleared up anything about the multimedia features of the DS. Therefore, there couldn't of been anything for you to read.
those games dont look all that bad. it looks like you are into the whole mystery thing. That surgical game was a pretty cool idea. Can you do brain surgery and crap too??
those games dont look all that bad. it looks like you are into the whole mystery thing. That surgical game was a pretty cool idea. Can you do brain surgery and crap too??

Not sure. I know that you have to peform head surgery at one point in the game. The game got too stressful for me. I got to a level so hard that I just couldn't bear it anymore.

I mean, I'm not saying that the DS is better than the PSP, I'm just saying that I think the DS is a better overall gaming experience since there are more games that seem to interest myself. I had the PSP and it just didn't clique with me. There's Loco Roco, which you have the right to brag about. Check out the DS sometime, though. There's a lot of games that are going unheeded.

As for the mystery genre; I think it's my favorite genre. There a lot of people are into running and gunning, but I'm more of the intelligent type. I like Day of Defeat for my interest in American history. I got Brothers in Arms for the DS, which has the same graphics as the regular DoD, more or less. I just never saw any of those types of games on the PSP. Even if I did, they always seem to be on the PS2 as well, which I own. The DS has multi-media capabilities as well, but not as good as the PSP's. But I just want a gaming system and that's it. I don't want to be charged extra for something I'll never use.

It's cool that you can do those things with the PSP, though. When I talked to my friend who owned both systems, he even agreed with me. He was saying stuff like "Check this out!" and "Look at how clear the picture is when I put in Spiderman 2". I said "That's cool and all....but where are the games?". He had four games overall, and two of them were sports games. He had Untold Legends, which was alright, but I found out that it was coming to the PS2 (At the time). He had like, eleven games for the DS, all of which were pretty good. If you got a lot of your PSP, you'll like it better than the DS. However, it's the opposite with me. I was just ranting about the experience I had when the PSP was in my possession. It's an alright system, but if you want 100% gaming, the DS is the system. Obviously you get a lot out of your PSP and use all the features.

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