I've been skimming thru all posts made in your forums, and I can't seem to find one where everyone puts in their 2cents on how they tactically get past certain situations. I think this is a good place to post your ways of playing DOD: Source.
Are you a Sniper who is a loner? Are you a sniper who works with a spotter? Are you an Assaulter who enjoys working with a team or solo? Are you a run and gun gamer and couldn't care less if this was a single player game or multi-player? Are you playing the Support role and Supporting your team or seeing how well you outmatch the riflemen? Do you advance when called upon, or cower like a chipmunk. Are you a social Gamer or a loner?
Do you randomly zig when you should have zagged? How long do you prime your grenades (Frags)? Do you prime them at all? Do you smoke an entry way so that your team can use it as a diversion to advance?

I've listed many topics to discuss, but I want to hear it from you, Set up the situation and lets hear hour you get past obstacles. Some of you are precise and can give us a step by step on how you use your Technical Knowledge, while others are hands on and will show us in game. Even more, some of you are quick to the point while others will write a novel.

Screen shots are a plus when trying to describe something so entertain us with them. And take the time and REALLY enjoy this post.

[From the crazy mind of Bubba.]
I for one prefer sniping. I don't think I've ever used a spotter...I mean I'll try and move to get a MG or a OPFOR Sniper if someone calls them out but I don't send someone out to look for me ^^. I got a few spots that I use in some maps that are perrty good.
sugafree, that's awesome, as we all do just play for fun, however, have you ever had a challenge that took you a little time to work out strategically? It's cool if it hasn't happened yet. Emo, that's really cool that you snipe as you do. So what are those spots that are the key ingredient for you to be a better sniper?
I aim for the enemy...and SHOOT. When possible, I melee. knowing I hate to be killed that way, I try to do it as much as possible. MUAHAHAHA!!!

I get shot every time i try to throw a nade....I have horrible timing.... *sigh*
Especially Tactics for scrimmages. Do we just run and gun, do we look at maps, do we break off into squads, is there any team work or communication, are there any tactical advantages used? Elaborate leaders, tell us your secrets or your wants, in knowing how to play better at DOD tactically.
I am all of those besides the coward and also i prime for like 4 sec and dont smoke becasue even though its smart u cant see either so ya
It depends on the map and the class...AvA has a great allied spot for sniping on the church tower. You just sorta drop down onto the little alcove below the main part of the tower and you have a perfect overview of the 2nd axis and relative safety from their incoming at the first. You really only have to watch out for axis in apartments n such. The axis don't really have any special ones.
Ok my tactics...

I mostly play assault and rush usualing going solo... If someone comes thats great. But it never seems like anyone follows you everywhere u go... I smoke certain points like in ava as an allied trooper i smoke the entry way to the church so i dont get mg'ed down getting inside the church. Um... best way to get snipers, and mg guys on kalt is with a good bazooka man.. If there is a way good mg person you will want to rush em through sewers as quick as possible... On kalt i like to camp in the houses over looking the enemies second flag. This is good way to quickly cap the flag then prevent an mg or a sniper to set back up in there house.

umm more to come...

g2g lol
My tactics and listen carefully (take notes, optional)
1. Get a gun (any will do)
2. Point gun at any one since FF is off
3. Pull trigger and kill enemy
4. reload if necessary
5. repeat steps 1 - 4
6. (optional) create a avatar or sig for me since i told you my strategy lol
as a sniper i try to take out the opposing mg and sniper if they happen to cross my sight (normally can count on an auto to raid their nest and make short work) other than that i use all the other guns to raid camping spots. unless i find an mg then its wait til you can pop up deep in the enemy zone so you can do massive dmg.
My tactics and listen carefully (take notes, optional)
1. Get a gun (any will do)
2. Point gun at any one since FF is off
3. Pull trigger and kill enemy
4. reload if necessary
5. repeat steps 1 - 4
6. (optional) create a avatar or sig for me since i told you my strategy lol

You forgot step 2 1/2 - Make sure safety is off before pointing gun. !amazed
I'm all around. I can use any weapon with very good efficiency. You don't even have to call me before I jump onto the donner central tank and save the day! I will do anything with my gun blazing. You need a frontline sniper who doesn't cower? Just call my name and my service is yours!

The most crucial tactic in any eGO map is to shoot slayr357 before he beats your butt like Chuck Norris with his bare hands. x)
Well, I play with everything. When I'm a sniper if I'm having a good day, I tend to move around a lot. But if I'm lazy I sit int he window above second allied in Avalanche and just cap the newb Germans trying to spring into fountain range =D.
Listen for the enemies around you...foot steps, gun shots and the CLINK of a grenade. When in doubt throw a nade or unload a mag at it and always give the guy with an mg or rocket launcher ammo. Communicate with your team and call out mg and sniper positions...as far as tactics on maps...im not telling mine except emoraiden you get up on that little church ledge when im on axis with a rocket your a dead man :)
I just go in the the dark hallways to snipe. And when it's really getten hard core, I take my sniper, run out of my cover and super snipe. And i already wrote a post on that so you should all know what that is. I just hope im still good at it, you know since i've been gone from DOD:S for so LONG.

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