
RoM - [TR]

Thread Junky
I was on kalt 12 hours and 39 mins including my 43 minute break...

i was switching back and forth to ava to make some people join which unfortunately couldn't get anyone...<=HEAR MY VOICE AVA PLAYERS!!! lol jk i cant force anyone to join

and yes i actually have a life just there is nothing better to do in kansas everything closes at 10 pm on weekdays except WAL*MART so...
You know I'll be in Kalt as soon as I get this fps drop figured out.I've went from an average of 95 fps to 35 fps. Also got detox kicked once for some weird dx level thingy.
I'm just an old, looser with too much time on my hands, sO I play any game, if I got it for hours on end. Lol, when you get married and have kids and your kids play and your wife just yells, you'll know... Ok, I have a life, its just not with me at the moment, so if you see BUBBA gaming, be nice and only throw a few frags at him, he's had a hard day... KALT!!! FEAR ME!!!
kalt 55% donner 35% and ava w/e %

Wal-Mart FTW bought HL2/CSS there for 55$ then two weeks later it went down to 40$... got dods online

i got lost in a small walmart (crescent city, CA) but never in the super walmarts
[quote1182488736=RoM - [TR]]
I was on kalt 12 hours and 39 mins including my 43 minute break...

i was switching back and forth to ava to make some people join which unfortunately couldn't get anyone...<=HEAR MY VOICE AVA PLAYERS!!! lol jk i cant force anyone to join

and yes i actually have a life just there is nothing better to do in kansas everything closes at 10 pm on weekdays except WAL*MART so...
Well, that's the new record that I've heard of on DoD!
i took a nice break from donner to chack out the kalt server. i wasnt expecting the pistols for each class. kinda wondering if thats something that you guys are going to add to the other servers or if its just a change in pace for the new server.
Lol, I woke up yesterday, fired up my PC, checked the xfire, and I see RoM on kalt........ 5 hours later, I jump on the server, and he's still thar. 5 hours later, me and him leave almost the same time. LOL