Ideas to make DoD better


these are just a few of my ideas post what you think would make the game an overall better experience
-allow grenades to be shot our of their flight path while in the air or on the ground, this would have helped me countless times when i play mg and a grenade lands three feet from me
-have a different type of team speak (push a different button) that allows you to only communicate with players that are close to you, i dont like when people yell "NADE!" and they are halfway across the map and i think it is near me.
-have a medic class that can heal other players but only carries a gun like an m1 carbine, i dont know about other people but when i get shot non-fatally by a sniper or rifleman i am forced to rush the germans with 10 health and i usually die quickly.

what other ideas do you guys have?
Yeah that'd be cool. I think we need something like intel people.... That survey the battlefield and help spot enemies, ie placing icons above their heads and making them show up on the map? They'd have to have something like only a pistol though.
Hmmm, in the real world if you shoot a nade three feet from you, you will still die.

Medics have been talked about to death. They'd be the first ones we kill. A medic beside an MG or rocket is a guaranteed target. You want to keep MG's and rockets as dead as possible as much of the time possible.

If you really want some ideas - some of which may make it to the next release - go to the dod developers site and have a look at their forums. There is some pretty good stuff there.
I'm thinking of fragile walls. What i mean is, if a nade lands next to a wall and explodes, the wall get a hole in it. I got this idea for Saving Private Ryan. Still, i guess it would be hard to make that sort of thing. It would be really cool though, you could use that to make different passage ways. Incase there is an MG or Rocket is in your way. Anyone else agree?
1. Narrow cones of fire
2. Reduce recoil
3. Reduce nade stun effect
4. Proximity voice commands (only within earshot)
- and sure, icons above heads denoting call

When I think of it, the only there should be only two times you can hear a teammate. Once, if you're close enough to hear, and the other is in the spawn area (for planning). Of course, you should be able to hear enemy calls if you're within earshot too... and the level depending on how far away people are.

5. The ability to pick up ammo from dead comrades.
i think that the M1 Carbine Should have its own class, thats one of my favorite weapons and i get the same range with it as the garand
1. Fix the thompson 200+ damage footshot
2. Fix the concussion effect from grenades so that it doesn't go through walls
3. Slight increase to mp44 damage
4. Like Proteos said, pick up ammo and unused grenades from fallen team mates
5. Put in the K43 and M1 Carbine under riflemen
6. Re-add bayonet for K98 and butt smack for Garand
Lol, gg Baron. I think they should bring back like choosing your class, then being able to choose the gun you wanted, like in olden day DoD. That was cool. Also, BRING BACK OVERLORD!!!!!!!!!
1. Narrow cones of fire
2. Reduce recoil
3. Reduce nade stun effect
4. Proximity voice commands (only within earshot)
- and sure, icons above heads denoting call

When I think of it, the only there should be only two times you can hear a teammate. Once, if you're close enough to hear, and the other is in the spawn area (for planning). Of course, you should be able to hear enemy calls if you're within earshot too... and the level depending on how far away people are.

5. The ability to pick up ammo from dead comrades.

I agree with all of what Proteos said. However, there should be an option for whole team speak and proximity speak. You get a limited amount of team speak but an unlimited amount of proximity speak.

which one is the K43

The K43 was in 1.6, and it was an entire class to itself. It was like the Garand with a pretty nice firing rate. It's basically a German Garand.
Medipacs. I don't want an enemy territory style medic running out on the battlefield sticking your corpse with needles but I think some classes should be able to toss a medipac like ammo; so if you've got a key sniper or MGer holding off waves you can heal em up if they are low.
adding an option that i can pimp my rocket out with - laser sight/heat seaking missles/scope to maximize sex appeal...the list can go on