I find the garand is a little more accurate than the kar, but I still have a lot of problems with hitting stationary people. Sight will be right on the guy, I'm crouched, he's not moving at all, and 5 rounds miss somehow. It does reg better than the kar though. Iremember one classic instance of bad kar reg..... rocket dude in church tower in ava, standing out in the open, not moving at all. I'm in apartments, see the dude through the window and shoot a round at him. Nothing. Oh well, maybe I moved. I shoot another. Still nothing. This time I crouch, line up, and fire. Nothing. I come out to iron-sight him and I kill him as he rockets me. Yeah... Pretty annoying.
The garand regs better than the kar, but you'll still get the odd sessions where it wont hit the side of a barn.