COD4 Meet and Greet

COD4 Meet and Greet

6:00PM Pacific
7:00PM Mountain
8:00PM Central
9:00PM Eastern

As most of you knew (or did not know, including me) I have been scrim captain for COD4 division and I have been lacking in my duties. As in I really haven't set up a scrim for us ever before. With this in mind I have big plans for our division scrims.
The first scrim that I will be hosting will be a Meet and Greet on August the 16th at our TDM server - For those of you who do not know how we handle scrims on eGO. We will be locking the server down for an hour and making it our personal playground. All players in our clans from all ranks are invited to join the scrim and Meet some of the higher ranks. People of higher ranks are encouraged to attend the scrim to Greet everyone else. We want to show our new recruit's how close we all are and encourage them to stay. Once the meet and greet is over that time slot will be devoted to a TDM scrim every week.
Next thing I have in mind, is that I and Tylantt will try our best to host bi-weekly scrims for both types of game play. The TDM scrims will be hosted on Saturdays at 6pm pacific and our Tuesday scrims will be also hlpd at 6pm pacific. The days are solidified but we will do our first HACTAC scrim (I like that.) on Tuesday on 19th of August. It will be handled the same as the Meet and Greet. The TDM scrim will mostly be handled by Tylantt which will occur a 6pm pacific.
Lastly, I will throw in every other week ranked matches. What that entails is that we will have scrims in between ranks. In example e's going against eG's. (With me laughing in the background.) That will be scheduled for a later time. So, keep looking in on the forums for information on our scrims.

Hope to see you all there!
Hiphop-popatomus and Tylantt
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