Official BAND OF BROTHERS Thread

{3xG} bradyfan_08

Active Member
Alright guys I know most of you have to be fans of this show. I've got the entire season on DVD and I love them all. So talk about your favorite episodes, characters, or anything!
o the one i dont reamber but they were fighting in the woods at night and there is snow everywhere and mortors strat to drop all around
the breaking point! good choice. i'd say either that one is my favorite, or carentan (episode 3). but the breaking point is where spears makes his beast run through all the nazis! :D
i like the part were he get shot in the croch and the guys rippes open his pants and says " dont worry everthing is where it should be " lol
i didn't really like bastone (sorry i can't spell it) it was to emotional stuff and what soldiers thought, i just wanted to see action, so when i saw breaking point it was amazing.
[quote1183313918=Olde English]
i didn't really like bastone (sorry i can't spell it) it was to emotional stuff and what soldiers thought, i just wanted to see action, so when i saw breaking point it was amazing.

LOL....your right soldiers are born without feelings and none die without permission.
It was good to do it the way they did it, otherwise they would have been john wayne war movies or rambo....wait rambo talked about feelings John Wayne war movie it is. LOL

I think it is funny that the same kind of feelings come out in Sopranos...LOL Soldiers were in WWII because they thought they had to be....but mafia?
lol looks like carentan is the favorite. yeah blindsfell i noticed your quote.

and baron you don't know what you're missing, you can buy the entire season on dvd on ebay for like $40, thats what i did. its well worth your money
LOL....your right soldiers are born without feelings and none die without permission.
It was good to do it the way they did it, otherwise they would have been john wayne war movies or rambo....wait rambo talked about feelings John Wayne war movie it is. LOL

John Wayne movies were amazing MUCH MUCH better than Band of Brothers. i just want to see all out war not some emotional crap.
gotta say i love when dick winters rushes the field b4 his homies and catching the germans sleepin! then the others catch-up and have a slaughter on waking and retreating germans!that was my most fav part out of entire series! but going by episodes 3 had plenty action
I love love love Crossroads. That's the one that focuses on Winters, it was directed by Tom Hanks. I would say "The Breaking Point", but I've watched it so many times and in slow motion that it's worn off on me.

Interesting note; you can see they use the same set for Hagenau that they used for Foy. Same buildings, only at night and coming from a different angle. Same church and major architecture.

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