Blazing Heat

EGO Is My Life!
Alright, since sunday was a NO-GO due to problems, we are shooting one monday (hopefully, and we need people!)
People if we want this done we need more!

ip is

the password is notforyou
so It is at 12:00pm est, 11:00am cst, 10:00am mst, and 9:00am pst to 4:00 pm est, 3:00pm cst, 2:00pm mst, and 1:00pm pst. so please we need more people to come!
real sorry about that folks :( my comp wasnt getting an internet connection..but its all good now
It was today. And it was the greates turnout so far. We were there for for about 2 hours and filmed only one scene, but it was a fun and a great scene. And was smiting with shovel and knife everyone who didn't do something at time, hahahaha @ Sauce running away xD

We are going to film on Wednesday and Thursday propably at the same time as today, so be there.

Special thanks for today:
-I have no Life
-Infected Ice
-Ronald McDonald

And for Showing up but lag was too intolerable, or were buys
-Gary Hornwell
I'm frapsing the ones we have done so far today, and then send them to naniekso. He may edit them to his liking (taking out bad parts, putting the text that Death may send him (edit it to new eG's and eGO's) and the music we want.

And the parts we take out can be deleted scenes and bloopers xD