I think everyone can agree that watching Day of Defeat source movies is great, this is how we can see our fellow clan mates act out scenes of pure "awsomeness". Blazing Heat, Death, Viewtiful naniekso and myself (Blue Cheese) would love to be the organizers, directors, camera guys for all of the movies. I think by making movies it will make create memorys that will be rememberd for years.
When we decide to have a filming session, I will put on my dedicated server, most people are thinking that it will lag and it will suck, no, my dedicated does not lag, It can run very well (not as good as eGO servers
) The server will not run 24/7, it will be up and running on scheduled dates or upon request. I have downloaded Mani Admin Plug in (just like eGO servers). The server is called DOD MOVIE, upon Councils request, the server can be changed to anything.
I have made an MOTD for the server listing all the rules, here they are:
No killing others unless director instructs you to
No arguing with directors or admins
No talking while admin/directors are talking
Remember your numbers (write them down on paper)
These are just basic rules to allow filming to run smoothly
The people who get admin will be Blazing Heat, Death, Viewtiful naniekso and myself. If you would like to get admin please look below to find out how.
we really need filmers........ I really want to have the scene with more than one angle, I think it would be sweet if we had one filmer covering axis, one covering Allies and one above for a birds eye view shot. If you are a filmer you get admin. BUT FIRST you MUST read on how to properly film, Blazing Heat is the expert on this, here is how to properly film:
Here are the rules for filming with fraps:
1. Go in game
2. Put on console
3. Go spec to film or film yourself with the others (see hands)
4. type record name (name being the name of clip) to make a demo
5. after doing record keep a 8 sec break before actually saying to all to go, 3 or w/e the command for them to act.
6. after scene filmed, type in console stop
7. go to desktop and turn on fraps
8. go in game check if you got a yellowish counter showing
9. go console and type playdemo name
10. press f9 (fraps filming button) when the scene starts.
11. press f9 when the scene ends
12. go to desktop and the fraps folder and check the size of the files and watch how they look like.
13. if they less than 100mb upload them somewhere or convert them with ex. movie converter 2 (type that in google)
If you want fraps, or any help, just PM Blazing Heat
So, easy eh?
We also need people that can play a dedicated server that does not lag, Just in case for some reason I cannot run mine.
If you would like to be a camera guy or server runner, please PM (Blue Cheese) with this info
We really want to have a filming shoot once a week, proply on Saturday mid afternoon. We also want to have a big movie shoot on the first of every month, hopefully 32 people can come and join.
We hope that fiming can get to be big in the clan, we all think its a fun thing to do, we hope that everyone can participate in it, we would love to have Councils support, on the fourm we would like to have a sticky just so we can post dates and times. We really hope that this works out, We think this can only better the clan.
The videos will be uploaded to youtube and posted on the fourm.
If you have ANY questions please PM me!! there is such thing as a dumb question, accept if you ask if blue cheese tastes good on everything, the obvious answer is yes.
We are looking forward to a bright future in filming.
Blue Cheese
When we decide to have a filming session, I will put on my dedicated server, most people are thinking that it will lag and it will suck, no, my dedicated does not lag, It can run very well (not as good as eGO servers
I have made an MOTD for the server listing all the rules, here they are:
No killing others unless director instructs you to
No arguing with directors or admins
No talking while admin/directors are talking
Remember your numbers (write them down on paper)
These are just basic rules to allow filming to run smoothly
The people who get admin will be Blazing Heat, Death, Viewtiful naniekso and myself. If you would like to get admin please look below to find out how.
we really need filmers........ I really want to have the scene with more than one angle, I think it would be sweet if we had one filmer covering axis, one covering Allies and one above for a birds eye view shot. If you are a filmer you get admin. BUT FIRST you MUST read on how to properly film, Blazing Heat is the expert on this, here is how to properly film:
Here are the rules for filming with fraps:
1. Go in game
2. Put on console
3. Go spec to film or film yourself with the others (see hands)
4. type record name (name being the name of clip) to make a demo
5. after doing record keep a 8 sec break before actually saying to all to go, 3 or w/e the command for them to act.
6. after scene filmed, type in console stop
7. go to desktop and turn on fraps
8. go in game check if you got a yellowish counter showing
9. go console and type playdemo name
10. press f9 (fraps filming button) when the scene starts.
11. press f9 when the scene ends
12. go to desktop and the fraps folder and check the size of the files and watch how they look like.
13. if they less than 100mb upload them somewhere or convert them with ex. movie converter 2 (type that in google)
If you want fraps, or any help, just PM Blazing Heat
So, easy eh?
We also need people that can play a dedicated server that does not lag, Just in case for some reason I cannot run mine.
If you would like to be a camera guy or server runner, please PM (Blue Cheese) with this info
We really want to have a filming shoot once a week, proply on Saturday mid afternoon. We also want to have a big movie shoot on the first of every month, hopefully 32 people can come and join.
We hope that fiming can get to be big in the clan, we all think its a fun thing to do, we hope that everyone can participate in it, we would love to have Councils support, on the fourm we would like to have a sticky just so we can post dates and times. We really hope that this works out, We think this can only better the clan.
The videos will be uploaded to youtube and posted on the fourm.
If you have ANY questions please PM me!! there is such thing as a dumb question, accept if you ask if blue cheese tastes good on everything, the obvious answer is yes.
We are looking forward to a bright future in filming.
Blue Cheese