Baron Rojo is from Columbia...South Carolina!!! He is actually a 42 year old accountant with 2 kids living in Cleveland, Ohio. He got his accent while watching Scarface.
John T. was once a male stripper in an all male nightclub in Hot Springs, Arkansas. There are rumors about him and Bill Clinton. He has more money than Bill Gates.
Artimus is a drummer for the band Air Supply. Did you know that he was once a drummer for the Beatles?!! He was fired and Ringo was hired because they wanted somebody with hair and a smaller nose.
Kaos Duse is really 4 feet tall and is a housewife in Indiana.
Lance Criminal hacks as we all know but did you know that he has had to purchase DOD 53 times to keep playing under a new I.D.?
Lt. Wolf also hacks and has purchased DOD from Lance Criminal 52 times only to find out that his I.D. was banned. He has recently purchased a legit copy but it's just a matter of time before he gets caught again.
Slayr wears Depends due to an unfortunate hunting accident which resulted in his friends calling him "Stubby".
Tech Sgt. Starbuck single handidly killed 2000 North Vietnamese but since this was in 2004 the State Department has taken away his passport.
Sad Sack got his name after a bullet hit him in the crotch during the Battle of Gettysburg.
Mr. Bucket went a WHOLE DAY without hurting or maiming himself.
Wakka got his name after some teen aged girls saw his hairy back and thought he looked like Fozzy Bear on the Muppet Show.
Revelations is not really British. He just talks funny.
Jimbo is actually Irish. The Irish were slow to discover the internet because they kept blowing up the telephone poles.
Kamikaze Tommy lives in the south and eats nothing more than Moonpies and Dr Peppers.
Kendle manages our servers. He learned all about them from courses obtained from the "Servers for Dummies" books. Read faster, Kendle Read faster!
More interesting facts as they come to light.
John T. was once a male stripper in an all male nightclub in Hot Springs, Arkansas. There are rumors about him and Bill Clinton. He has more money than Bill Gates.
Artimus is a drummer for the band Air Supply. Did you know that he was once a drummer for the Beatles?!! He was fired and Ringo was hired because they wanted somebody with hair and a smaller nose.
Kaos Duse is really 4 feet tall and is a housewife in Indiana.
Lance Criminal hacks as we all know but did you know that he has had to purchase DOD 53 times to keep playing under a new I.D.?
Lt. Wolf also hacks and has purchased DOD from Lance Criminal 52 times only to find out that his I.D. was banned. He has recently purchased a legit copy but it's just a matter of time before he gets caught again.
Slayr wears Depends due to an unfortunate hunting accident which resulted in his friends calling him "Stubby".
Tech Sgt. Starbuck single handidly killed 2000 North Vietnamese but since this was in 2004 the State Department has taken away his passport.
Sad Sack got his name after a bullet hit him in the crotch during the Battle of Gettysburg.
Mr. Bucket went a WHOLE DAY without hurting or maiming himself.
Wakka got his name after some teen aged girls saw his hairy back and thought he looked like Fozzy Bear on the Muppet Show.
Revelations is not really British. He just talks funny.
Jimbo is actually Irish. The Irish were slow to discover the internet because they kept blowing up the telephone poles.
Kamikaze Tommy lives in the south and eats nothing more than Moonpies and Dr Peppers.
Kendle manages our servers. He learned all about them from courses obtained from the "Servers for Dummies" books. Read faster, Kendle Read faster!
More interesting facts as they come to light.