{3xG} bradyfan_08

Active Member
Yeah, I said it, and if you dont' believe me, check out the newest trailor released for E3 2007. Seriously, its the only game everyone is talking about at the press conferences. All the G4 hosts were more than impressed with it, desipte how the first one looked and played. Check it out. (You might have to register with IGN but that's no big deal, its free)

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!!!!!!!!!!you guys are wrrrrroooooonnnnngggggg.......legend!! you have no soul or mind......not liking gears of war..thats like sayin you dont like to breathe!! oh and it looked least you wont die a easly as the first one...but better than gears of war? i think not (if it has something better than a chainsaw bayonet..i might think about it..) its not worth buying a ps3
Gears of War FTW, PS3 has nothing to compare of the 360 and Gears, Halo, and GRAW's
looks cool but port it to the 360 and i might buy it
ugh i just hope it doesnt have..the one shot to your foot kill...anywhere else your screwed
it won't be anything like the first one. the guys who tested the game said they paid more attention in killzone 2 to details, graphics, and gameplay more than in GOW. it has a more mature look than the halo series (which never appealed to me), and i haven't heard one bad review about it
Looked pretty good, and I don't like GoW multiplayer, too many insta-kills, I'll stick with RS:V multiplayer.

Yup, IMO RSV has the best multiplayer on Xbox Live...
gah! halo? what is wrong with you! hey halo is a computer game! ha!...(not likeing halo....tsk tsk)

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