Game lockups...


I recently built a new system with pretty good components. However, I'm having the problem that dod:s will randomly lock up and I can't even get back to my desktop to close it.

I thought maybe the cpu was overheating, but my core temps don't break 45. And I'm fairly certain the heatsink has a good connection. Otherwise, wouldn't I be getting higher core temps?

I'm going to run a memtest and see if it's my ram, but I'm not sure about that one...

Maybe it's my psu. Does anybody know how to check if it's not... powering enough. I bought a 600W Apevia psu. The most power hungry component I have is an 8800gtx. Is there a chance the psu isn't supplying enough power?

If anybody knows something I should check, please tell me. What's most frustrating is that the lockups happen randomly. It doesn't happen during map changes/server restarts or anything like that but during game occasionally. I can play for 5 hours straight with no problem, but the next day I'll play for 5 minutes and it will lockup. Is it a problem with a dod:s registry or something maybe?

Long post, sorry. Thanks guys. Help Aqua out.
Ever since the last Valve update I have also suffered the same fate... It's fun to coldboot isn't...
Yeah, I did a little more research and apparently it's happening to a lot of people after the steam updates. Still, I'm not ruling out hardware problem.
How many total amps are on the +12V rails of your PSU? The 8800 GTX needs about 32 amps minimum. This may not be the problem since you say you can play fine for 5 hours but sometimes not 5 minutes, it may help though.

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