well this is about general glitching, iam a tad confused whats a glitch and whats not a glitch.
1st problem : on avalanche by 2nd axis when people (mainly axis) jump onto the wall and deploy an mg42. what iam confused about is in realiaty it would not be possible to "hug" the wall with only about 1/4 of your body actualy on the wall being supported.
is that a glitch? iam sure you know similar examples.
2nd problem
using other players to give boosts. this allows players to reach areas usualy blocked to them. n. Easy example using a boost to get above second axis on dod ava.
i was told the council decided that this was not a glitch and was allowed. just want your opinions on this.
my points for allowing it are: its team work, players working together to defeat the enemy.
And the game may not be able to support character animation of players giving each other leg ups etc. so standing on top of each other is the only possible alternative.
why i feel its not allowed: if you were meant to be in these areas a ladder would be their.
in most clan matches stacking is not allowed. this may differ league to league.
and in many locations in the past where stacking took place fires where put in to damage players. (this is not an option on second axis' base)
different subject: about names that mention drugs such as "crackhead" are these allowed cus ive seen a few like that and lesser ones such as weed.
whats the plicy on this.
1st problem : on avalanche by 2nd axis when people (mainly axis) jump onto the wall and deploy an mg42. what iam confused about is in realiaty it would not be possible to "hug" the wall with only about 1/4 of your body actualy on the wall being supported.
is that a glitch? iam sure you know similar examples.
2nd problem
using other players to give boosts. this allows players to reach areas usualy blocked to them. n. Easy example using a boost to get above second axis on dod ava.
i was told the council decided that this was not a glitch and was allowed. just want your opinions on this.
my points for allowing it are: its team work, players working together to defeat the enemy.
And the game may not be able to support character animation of players giving each other leg ups etc. so standing on top of each other is the only possible alternative.
why i feel its not allowed: if you were meant to be in these areas a ladder would be their.
in most clan matches stacking is not allowed. this may differ league to league.
and in many locations in the past where stacking took place fires where put in to damage players. (this is not an option on second axis' base)
different subject: about names that mention drugs such as "crackhead" are these allowed cus ive seen a few like that and lesser ones such as weed.
whats the plicy on this.