All the hype


Active Member
I've been hearing a lot of stuff about different computer companies lately. For instance, Alienware came out with a new laptop that they say is the best on the market but I'm not sure. Is alienware as good as they say they are. I ask this because I'm getting a laptop and was thinking about a alienware.
Yeah, and if your laptop hardware becomes out of date and you have no desktop, you're pretty much screwed. I'm lucky, my work gives me a laptop to use. :D
Laptops are fine...i been using mine for about 3-4 years now for gaming and it hasnt failed me yet. thou i do have a Desktop computer i prefer the laptop
I would definitely go with a custom desktop for gaming. A laptop just doesn't come close. I work with guys that have alienware laptops and they lag on Warcraft III online all night long. You'll save a lot of money and get better game play.
A guy I work with has an Alienware laptop. It's pretty frikkin sweet. It gets super hot though. He uses it to play World of Warcraft without issue.

On another note, he could have bought a small car for what he paid for it.
Yeah... the only laptops alienware sells that are worth buying cost more than a PC and only last 2-3 years where as Desktops are cheaper and last longer. PLUS you can upgrade them. Stay away from Dells for gaming. Especially if you plan to upgrade.
Yeah, I think it depends on the laptop, but upgradability will always, always, be an issue with laptops. That said, if you want a powerful gaming machine but crave portability, Alienware, VooDoo, and Falcon Northwest are all excellent machines. Responding to an above post... if a buddy of yours on an Alienware laptop lags in a game, it has little to do with the machine, lag would be caused by his internet connection.

If you plan to keep and use a machine for many years, a desktop you can fiddle with and upgrade (if you know how) is the best option. Go with a custom build, or a company known for gaming work is possible. Dells are decent for daily use, but unless you're going to go with their XPS line, avoid them.
I have been building PC's and repairing them for about 6 years now. I can not fathom, in all seriouseness, in any way shape or form, from the richest most expensive to the cheapest most crappy, how the CRAP, anyone, anywhere, ever could EVER reccomend to buy a dell for gamming. thinking about it makes my cry.

Honestly, nothing against dell, even though they dont care about their customers, only want to make a buck and nothing else, have no respect for quality and pretty much have no soul, its their advertising department that I hate more than anything else, making people believe the computer of their dreams only costs $399. shame on them. they can be ok if you pay enough and configre them well, but honestly, never in a million year would the sentance "build a custom one or buy a dell for gaming" come out of any part of my body.

infact, everytime i flatulate i try hard to make sure that sentance doesnt accidentally come out , even if you play it backwards like stairway to heaven.

even now as i type i'm not sure myself which part sof htis are serious and which are not. but i am leaning toward 100% serious.
I have been building PC's and repairing them for about 6 years now. I can not fathom, in all seriouseness, in any way shape or form, from the richest most expensive to the cheapest most crappy, how the CRAP, anyone, anywhere, ever could EVER reccomend to buy a dell for gamming. thinking about it makes my cry.

Honestly, nothing against dell, even though they dont care about their customers, only want to make a buck and nothing else, have no respect for quality and pretty much have no soul, its their advertising department that I hate more than anything else, making people believe the computer of their dreams only costs $399. shame on them. they can be ok if you pay enough and configre them well, but honestly, never in a million year would the sentance "build a custom one or buy a dell for gaming" come out of any part of my body.

infact, everytime i flatulate i try hard to make sure that sentance doesnt accidentally come out , even if you play it backwards like stairway to heaven.

even now as i type i'm not sure myself which part sof htis are serious and which are not. but i am leaning toward 100% serious.

Quoted For Truth
Yeah, you do indeed get what you pay for. I have to use a Dell laptop at work, and it's quite the tragedy. Quality systems just don't often come at bargin prices.... but the sad fact is, to many people, a computer is a computer.
I bought my oldest boy a Dell for Christmas last year. I usually build my own comps but I could not build one with the same parts Dell offered at the time any cheaper.
Tell you what... Alienware is a little bit too much for the money... about 1 month ago.. i bought an Asus F3SC -2gb ram, 160 GB, Intel Core 2 Duo, Vista, 15 inch... for 1700 after rebates... that was well worth the money... U should go take a look at it online....
I have a HP Pavilion dv9500t or whatever, and it runs games very smoothly actually. It has a geforce 8600, and a core2duo 2.2ghz I never feel a spec of lag playing any games on it, and its resolution is at 1680x1050

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