Comparing Connections


Forum Fiend (World) or (US only)

Post your results and see who wins.



P.S.: Yes, I may have made this topic in anger and spite... but I'm OK with that. I'll post any 'improved' results I have later/tomorrow.
Connection at home a few minutes ago...


Connection at the Uni... Note this uses the same exact server as the one above through a different interface. Just in case you can't read the number it says 34mpbs down / 17.7mbps up :p

Holy crap, Dominion. And to think I was excited when I could finally download things at 60KB/s.

EDIT: Oh, and this is my updated test:

Yoo-Hoo what kind of line is that? Your upload almost matches your download.

It's a special long distance wireless program partially financed by the FCC. All I know is that it's utter rubbish for anything other than basic websites (and not even that sometimes). They wanted to draw businesses to this secluded half of Maryland, so they brought 'broadband' to the area.
dom i think has FiOS like johnt does or a t3 line
btw dom ill trade u ur connection for mine :p no but seriously plz

done on a 56k i think the upload is off

mine beats all muwahahaha! mine :
Connection at the Uni... Note this uses the same exact server as the one above through a different interface. Just in case you can't read the number it says 34mpbs down / 17.7mbps up :p
[/quote1185121857] can't beat the speed at the University, eh? Dominion....That bandwidth is for research, not video games! :( I bet your uni has Internet II, eh? It's lightning fast!!!...