
I made one post
Hello everyone, sorry that I havent been on lately.
The thing is that i've been going to the doctors.
and yea, i got bad news :(
I found out that I have anemia and cancer.
and have less then 6 months to live.
Sorry that i haven't been on once again, the other thing is
that my internet is down. so cant play at all, only once a while
when i get a signal from someone else :D
but yea........Just pray for me..
Nice to know ya'll.
Oh man, that's the most tragic thing I've ever heard. You're an excellent standup guy, and I wish you only the best. You've been a great player and an excellent admin. Goodluck and Godspeed. I know you still have a chance at beating this problem. If you're in Dallas, drop me a line, and we can go grab a bite to eat.


James "Aquafresh" Edwards
dude, my sincerest wishes. i cant even imagine what you must be going through. stay strong and fight your hardest. we will still be here when you've beaten it.

dude i'm so sorry to hear you and that really tragic, how old are you anyway? man... i know you can beat it
srry to hear thats the worst thing that could ever happen. You've been a great player, an excellent admin and a great friend. :( Goodluck and Godspeed.

farewell and i wish u all the best

hope to hear from u in 7 months
live live to the fullest blaze!

Stay strong and fight hard man. Think positive and hope for the best. Always have a will to live no matter what. I give you my dearest wishes for better health and good luck. Fight hard man, fight hard...

Sincerely with the best of luck,
Benjamin (Killa)
omg i hope u make it, dude that is the worst news i have ever heard. dude i know u can kake it. cmon man you can do it
My wife and I raise money for cancer every year. My Father-in-law is a two time survivor! Keep a positive attitude and do all your treatments. Your a DoD warrior so fight the hell out of it.
I myself am a cancer survivor although it was only a pre-cancerous form of melanoma. My prayers and thoughts are with you, my firend. Stay strong.
stay strong and my mom and dad both beat cancer.... SO I KNOW U CAN TOO!!! never give up...and never surrender!!!!!
Diego, life sometimes can come at you very hard and fast. Remember you have alot of eGO Family members Praying for you every day and You can beat this. Paul.
whoa. dude, keep on pushing it to the limit. Fight hard and you will win. Give it all you got, dont let that cancer beat you to it. Think positive thoughts and keep your heard up head. I know you will live longer than 6 months. Just remember this in your head, "I WILL WIN"

Good luck, and may good luck be with you.