Harry Potter


haha, just wanted to do that

p.s none of that is true...i think. (i didnt read it) - hope to have given you a 10 second heart attack!
Thats so funny that he spoiled it for all the nerds hahaha. I felt like doing that.

Blindsfell if you are too cheap for 20 bucks, you gotta re-think your budget bro. Ask the parents. Just be like "omg mom i need to read!! im getting more stupider every day without reading!!"
[/quote1185969102]I actually lol'ed at that. xD
well, i finished reading it yesterday and thats why i wasnt on cuz i was determined to finish it that day and im a slow reader :( stayed up til 2:30 in the morning but thats all good lol. anyway, i thought the whole book was well written except for the epilogue and 2 or 3 of the deaths. i was hoping the epilogue would tell info on what the world was like then and what all the characters in the book were doing then.
lol i watched the funniest video where a guy walks into a barnes n noble minutes b4 midnight when the book came out and spoiled it for all of them, then he went to another 1 and drove his car around a couple times with a loud speaker and spoiled it for evry1 there and got chased by this 1 fat guy out of the parking lot. i laughed so hard. yet i wish i read the book b4 i saw that but i had a good laugh. he even said the page numbers and everything.

I hate people who have no appreciation for good literature

I finished the other week but just remembered about this post, book was awesome though I could see what people called "the big twist" coming from a mile off, I saw it since the last book. Don't worry folks, I won't spoil it for you.
The 7th book was great! I spent two sleepless nights/mornings reading it after work. Can't wait for the next two movies. Hopefully, they will live up to the books.
Got the final book early in the morning on the day of it's release, finished it twelve hours later. Good book, damn good series. Happy with all of it. It was fun to start reading a series in like the third grade and not have it done until after I'm through with high school.

I also enjoyed the latest movie, probably the best out of the current five films. Love the dark stuff!