Flash Server?

Does anyone know if the Flash server is staying up?, I like Flash and I was just wondering if it was a temporary map for now, or is it becoming something else?
As I told you last night when I asked this same question to you, the old KK server is going to be permitted to expire come the end of Summer, so I think it's just temporary. Which is unfortunate because Flash is my second favorite map after Donner.
My guess is that nothing's certain. If the flash map's always full it'll give everyone something to think about when the time comes to kill it or let it fly.
Indeed, the current expiration date on the server is Sept 14th. So unless it explodes in popularity before then, it goes "bye bye".
Ok, everyone, report to the flash server now! :D ....so it will go up in popularity...I like flash, but I only play on the clan servers, so if I really wanted to play flash, i'd have to leave the clan servers (that aint fun.......strange people outside the clan :p) ....and blindsfell....flash doesn't suck, thats just your opinion :D, cause Me and Reinkaos like it so it has to be cool :D
I don't think we are going to be able to afford 6 servers.

Five is going to be a lot for the fall. If our budget starts to get tight, we will likely get rid of Kalt and drop down to four servers.

But, if we can get the donations we will keep everything. Including flash, but I doubt we will get that much in donations.

Artimus and I donate a hefty amount every month. Then we have had great donations over the last four months. We never have gotten 3 servers much less 5 with out members donating.
I don't think we are going to be able to afford 6 servers.

Five is going to be a lot for the fall. If our budget starts to get tight, we will likely get rid of Kalt and drop down to four servers.

But, if we can get the donations we will keep everything. Including flash, but I doubt we will get that much in donations.

Artimus and I donate a hefty amount every month. Then we have had great donations over the last four months. We never have gotten 3 servers much less 5 with out members donating.


Kalt is the best map. Flash is pretty good too and Anzio.


Five is going to be a lot for the fall. If our budget starts to get tight, we will likely get rid of Kalt and drop down to four servers.


DROP KALT?!?!?! whoah no way! :(

I do all I can! Usually 10-20 a month so far