Scrim Champs

You did on tues......and lost to eG. Now you have to fight us (eGO) for the chance to win it from eG. Don't PM the directors, keep checking the home/news page for further planned scrims
An =(e)= only section would be a nightmare to setup and maintain. Not to mention the fact that eGO and eG would be able to read it :p
I understand, but it's a setup to lose if we can't even talk about what we want to do before hand. I'll try and get everyones email addy so we can talk about strat
I understand, but it's a setup to lose if we can't even talk about what we want to do before hand. I'll try and get everyones email addy so we can talk about strat

the eGO's can read our private discussion forum, plus we didn't do any strat against the e's. I take the scrims seriously, but not that seriously
Open up a TS spot for us on scrim days? And all you =(e)= who don't have a mic, go get one, it's like $20 tops =)
I do open up Teamspeak for =(e)='s on scrims but -NOBODY- joins. It's not worth the effort if people aren't going to utilize it.
what us (e's) should to is get a night planned and fill a server for a prctice. and see what and who works best in certain positions. you know it is very easy to get into kalt so we should see who wants to and able to play and set this up. Maybe might be a little hard but if it was easy than everyone would do it. Let's show eg we are willing to fight for what is ours
I do open up Teamspeak for =(e)='s on scrims but -NOBODY- joins. It's not worth the effort if people aren't going to utilize it.

That's probably because the majority of us don't have Teamspeak since we can't use it yet or, in some cases, don't even know about it. We're not gonna quit out of the scrim, download and install TS, try to get it working, and then try to get back into the scrim. At least, I'm not. But since I found out at the meet & greet that the TS does get periodically opened up, I've downloaded it.
Ahhh, I wasn't aware the TS was opened up during scrims, thought it was restricted to eG/eGOs still,

TS is an extremely useful thing to have as long as the clutter of non-needed information is kept to a minimum. You can communicate with other players while still strafing, shooting and all that jazz. It simply requires you to hold down a button and talk into your mic.

Also, another huge factor is the ability for cross communication between the living and the dead in dod. Get killed by an MG? It gets called out right away without the respawn delay for information. See someone getting snuck up on the death cam? No longer do you have to wait and watch while not being able to scream "You're going to get shoveled!!!"
Why would you need to quit out of the scrim to use teamspeak? It's not very hard to install or use... I open it up an hour before scrims.