[poll] Where do you live? (region)

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Just want to know where everyone lives, how far out our clan goes....and yes, I know there is mistakes, but you get the general idea :D ....if you want to, just put down the country you live in
Ya, I wanted to fix that, but i cant edit polls :( ....and i just tried to narrow it down so there wouldn't be AS many options, I guess its mostly a "region" "general area" poll...my bad
lol u notice how he posted north anerica and then wrote canada below it... what is that are we no longer part of north america. are we excluded :O
[quote1185891658=Infected Ice]
lol u notice how he posted north anerica and then wrote canada below it... what is that are we no longer part of north america. are we excluded :O

LOL, geography isn't really taught very much in schools in the US any more. Sometimes they think Canada is in Europe or Australia.
um you should divide this into a "what part of america" do you live...

Not everyone lives in "America", bud.
I guess I ment "Norht America" as in "U.S.A"....and when I put "Europe", I ment more like "all or Europe".....shouldn't have fallen asleep in geography class >_< ......well, you guys get the general idea :D .......and CorpPunishment, since you live on the moon, that would be "other" ;)


Votes: 2 | 8.33%


Now, my friend, why isn't it labeled Scotland/England(UK)/Ireland.

This is a SLAP in the FACE
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