[poll] Easter Eggs!


Active Member
Please tell me all of the EASTER EGGS! you know of ( what map, and what they do), maybe a slight hint but nothing major.
I NEED THESE PLEASE!, im beggin ya!
i know where their at....um on tunisia.....i know exactly where its at but i cant think of how to describe it to u
Well, thats the only easter egg that i actually know of.
my friend told me there was an egg on dijon, can anyone confirm this?
i really dont know where they are.... i cant find them when im geting shot at that make it a bit harder would you say :)
In Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (the old Game Boy version) if you make your name ZELDA (in all caps) you'll get different music in some parts.
[quote1185990829==(e)= Reinkaos]
On tunisia, you have to go to the secret room and click on the bottom right corner of the newspaper. :D
where's the secret room?
and i actually had alot of cooperation from the players, i told them dont shoot the american holding the bazooka, and they were all ok with that, except for 1 idiot, but whatev i found it so im happy.
[quote1185990829==(e)= Reinkaos]
On tunisia, you have to go to the secret room and click on the bottom right corner of the newspaper. :D
where's the secret room?

In the tomb type place.