Q and A

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A: Night i loveeee the dark for some reason and not b/c im like some scary gothic kid. i do listen to that music though

Q: Summer or Winter
Summer. Its just like winter here, anyways. All we get in Washington is rain, rain, rain,rain, rain, hail, and more rain.

Have you heard of Jones Soda?

A: Batman
B: Superman
C: Aquaman
Unreal Tournament (jusy cause it sounds better ^^)

Q: Foorball or Ice Hockey

OOC: Schumacher wasn't really the best driver ever....maybe he has the most records...but he would have lost to Senna any day...and Hakkinen would have beaten him with a better car...same goes to Raikkonen, Alonso has a good car which is why he wins Schumi.
A: April fools day

Q: Pizza or a good ol burger?

Whats up with the enee meene minee mo mobster? The beach is the clear cut winner here, not even a contest. Nothing beats the smell of the beach in the morning, its awsome :D:D
A: Burgers all the way...I love 'em, especially since I live in the U.S. lol (I'm sure you guys have awesome burgers as well).

Q: Black Hawk Down or Saving Private Ryan

I asked this question because if someone else asked it I couldn't answer...I adore them both. I would probably be 51% SPR though.
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