i loved the the lolcat!
And as Flea said it is not like a huge secret really there is maybe only the first step is logic based and the rest is pure musscle memory recalling algorithims specific to patterns that are appearing in the cube.
and as you progress through each stage the number of possible permutations decreases rapidly so you can learn the algorithms to solve each case.
Overall there are 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 possible combinations in any cube.
You can solve one face completly in about 7-12 moves really easily using logic and this can be done in like 20 seconds.
then the second layer is solved buy using 2 algorithms and can be quite quick
When you have this there is only 57 permutations that the cubes could be in to correct th fiinal layer. The best people know all the permutations and what to do in each case. For most though 4 or 5 algorithims is usally enough.
Once all the colors of the last face are facing the right direction it is just a matter of switching round the pieces so that they line up on all the sides. At most you need to know 4 algorithms to do this but there is up to 21 permutations you could learn. They would work out quicker but could all be derived from the 4 i mentioned.
And that is it realli. But as i said its all to do with memory and recalling algorithms fast. Some of the best cubers in the world work of arround 600 algorithms to allow for any case to be solved quickly but i can be done using arround 11. May take a little longer with these but a cube in any configuration could be solved by them