
Yes, it is far too big. The maximum is 500x150.

To edit your sigs, you should try the GIMP or Paint.NET or some other free image editing software that I can't remember that someone else will tell you about.
It looks like rubbish because you're using MSPaint. It automatically compresses your JPEGs, usually way more than is necessary. You should download one of those two free programs I told you about.
It looks like rubbish because you're using MSPaint. It automatically compresses your JPEGs...

Everything compresses JPGs. That's what a JPG is - a compressed image file. So long as the file remains at 72 DPI, it doesn't matter how much data is stripped from the original file. 72 is typically the limit on viewable monitors, so there's really no purpose in creating large, 300 dpi images for forum sigs; they're not being printed.
Yes, I know this. My point was that with a better program, he could limit the compression, thus limiting the artifacts which he referred to as 'losing some of its color'. I meant 'automatically' as in you can not control it, not that it forces you to compress your JPGs.
Mmk, I just covered 'em up best I could.

Uhh... I'd hope you'd be fine seeing as how your sig doesn't exceed the limits.

i meant u >< lol

meaning hed be fine but typos are ftw