We should give the side-arms back in Kalt

I do respect that u gave us another clip for our pistols, but noone likes playing rocket anymore because of it. We need the carbine back! its my fav gun EVER! :( and i love Kalt so im always on the map. I've heard it from other ppl to so im just saying i think more ppl would like it too.
No not really, I actually agree with you. After all its my favorite weapons class as well :) I will take a poll and we will see if it gets enough support. If it does then I can ask the council to change it back.
Carbine is a really good weapon and taking the sidearms away on kalt has literally killed the class. Some people hate the carbine but it only comes with 2 clips and any rocketeer will tell you run out very quickly.
Yeah. I never understand why some servers disable them. They are meant to be with the class so..... I cant stand playing on servers that disable stuff like that.
If we bring back the sidearm weapons, can we give them a total of 4 extra clips? Sometimes its VERY hard to get ammo from teammates :(
i really do think that you should put it back on it is a vary good gun and even if it only has two clips i still would raither have it then the .45. and no one wants to play it because you cant really protect your self as well without the carbine.
If we bring back the sidearm weapons, can we give them a total of 4 extra clips? Sometimes its VERY hard to get ammo from teammates :(
You can't give ammo for sidearms.

I think if they readded them no extra ammo is needed. The point being, its the side-arm, not the primary. So, be glad you have a nice side-arm when the BAR/STG44 does not have any.

The classes, as designed, are carefully balanced, and, personally speaking, I'm not a fan of any mod that messes with their kit.

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