so i take it this was your first band?, dont let it get you down man, ive been in about 5-6 bands and now i just play for fun, if you want to you can pm me and ill send you a link to my new band, i cant post it on here though because of language.
You can't blame someone for doing what they think is best for themselves. A band is great, but you guys probably aren't in your 20's and using it as your source of income, it probably isn't your whole life. If a member during this period realizes that things can and WILL change over the near future, that "it isn't working out right now", then that's what he feels is best and you can't really criticize anyone for that.

I'm not all that familiar with your band but it seems to me like it's probably about on level with say, a gaming clan, in relevance and importance in one's life. There are some good friends, it can take up a fair amount of time, but it isn't a career right now and there will certainly be more important things. Assume that this will happen several more times in the future.
Get used to it, man. I've been in 12 bands that have gone south not counting bands I played with from time to time for some extra cash. The good thing is, and you will learn this more as you get older;

you're a bass player. We're always in demand.
"its not working out rite now" cry me a river......


You're a garage band, that's a lame excuse!
:) it was so fun tho :)

And you take what you learned and grow in your next project.

Just wait till money and gear is involved in a break up. THAT'S drama right there.
The anti authority kids are gone :(. are guitarist quit. me and stix 03 will be forming a new band soon tho.thanks for all your support with our band. You will notice my sig band site is gone :(. here are our performances and website. view them b4 they are gone :(

poor blindsfell, and these things really bug me, it's "our guitarist quit"
:) it was so fun tho :)

And you take what you learned and grow in your next project.

Just wait till money and gear is involved in a break up. THAT'S drama right there.

thats so true MOP i lost 2 of my best friends cuz of a break up ....oh well that was a few years ago and now we're kinda friends again
power chords FTW!!!!!!!!! lol i remmeber my first band tho thats all we did was like 3 or 4 power chords and it sounded awesome to us haha