You're right you can lower, but not raise past. My bad. You still will not want to lower your rates. I'll show you what the rate means now.
Your rate is just the frequency at which your computer communicates with the server. So lets take a look at two people with two different rates.
__________(rate 25,000)
_ _ _ _ _ (rate 12,500)
So what does this mean. It means the upper person is communicating twice as often as the person below. However, as we all know, there can occasionally be problems communicating... which results in choke. The following is a representation of choke:
_ __ __ __(rate 25,000)
_ _ _ _ _ (rate 12,500)
So what does this mean? Lets give a scenario where, the + represents a shot
+++ ++ ++
_ __ __ __(rate 25,000)
_ _ _ _ _ (rate 12,500)
So what happened here... what % of shots got registered by the server?
Well lets take a look at the user with higher rates... but with choke we find that only 1 of his shots didn't register (the first shot).
Now take a look at the user with 10,000 but no 3 of the shots didn't register on time.
So what does this mean? It means the 25,000 rate user has a much greater advantage over the 12,500 rate user... because he's sending his packets in before the 10,000 rate user typically... and even if he misses that packet... it attempts again twice as fast as the 12,500 rate user. This can mean a world of difference. This is why lowering rates is highly unrecommended... although choke is lowered... even with choke... a person of higher rates has a greater % of success in sending packets than one with lower rates but no choke.
In terms of ping, the rates which are most effective at lowering ping visibly are cl_cmdrate and the cl_updaterate settings. These two variables are horribly misundestood... and typically people with poor ping will lower cl_cmdrate and cl_updaterate and go wow... my ping just dropped proportionally to the amount I just lowered it.
Here however, they don't realize they just really screwed over game play for them and others on the server. By lowering your rates to such a low level... you're basically making it difficult for others to hit you... but much harder for you to hit others... since their data comes in before your data does typically.
In league competition, this is known as rate hacking and is illegal (cl_cmdrate/cl_updaterate are forced at 60 and rate is forced at 75000 i believe).
Personally I'm an advocate... of pushing rates as high as possible on a server. The cost is much greater though, because a server at higher rates requires more processing power and data throughput... however... the effect on the game is strongly noticeable.
One of the biggest complaints about dod:s is hit registration. The problem isn't with dod:s... the problem is with the servers. Dods servers are more intensive than 1.3 servers... so ithey are much more expensive to operate. Thus, in order to attract customers with price, a lot of hosting servers are putting out servers with subpar rates... and even when they do allow higher rates... the server hardware/connection just can't keep up.
To really play dods the way it's meant to be play... I strongly recommend servers with max cl_updaterate 100 and cl_cmdrate 100 and rate 75000. Yes, they cost 3x more... but problems with hit registration completely disappear.
Have you ever fired a bullet at point blank range that you could swear was on the mark... yet for some reason it misses? Next time that happens... you should know... it may not really have been your fault... but rather the server's.