Hey guys, I have a problem with my DoD 1.3, when I launch it, all I see is the picture and I dont see the "find servers" or "friends" or "quit" or anything like that....any suggestions?!?!?!
I got it, I have dual-screen and when i disabled the secondary monitor, it works, but I would still like to know, why I need to do that....if you have any suggestions or know why, what wold be awesome, thanx
Maybe because they used an absolute frame of reference when coding where the text should be drawn (an exact location from 0,0 on the monitor) rather than a relative one. if the two monitors were on two different resolutions, they may have had to do some compromising when it came to where specific coordinates were. Its unfixable unless you want to rewrite the protocol for coordinate mapping with dual monitors and I don't think you want to do that. Of course thats just speculation.
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