Playing on strand last night, got some of my best scores ever as axis. was on strand with rev for about 4 hours or so, was crazy. Love strand though, I'm addicted to 24/7
I was mainly support but I stole allied snipers, mg42s and garands as often as I could find them:
at one point before this screenshot I was on a 3:1 kdr
Then we restarted and this is my second score of the night:
Vicious was the only person on the map that kept owning me up
lol, I'll get you vicious, I'll get yoouuuu!!!
I was mainly support but I stole allied snipers, mg42s and garands as often as I could find them:
at one point before this screenshot I was on a 3:1 kdr
Then we restarted and this is my second score of the night:
Vicious was the only person on the map that kept owning me up