Want to buy an assault weapon off ebay?

"Please note: this item, due to its inherently dangerous nature, is not available to: at least the northern portion of the left coast and the land of fruit and nuts (Kalifornia and Ebay). In fact, we highly recommend that those areas IMMEDIATELY begin a program of regulating, stamping out, filing a manufacturer’s class action suit against God,( the original manufacturer), and rendering all non-military or law-enforcement controlled rocks un-useable and ineffective by super gluing them to something solid or crushing them to the size of salt grains. (Any larger and some fool might think to use them in a sling shot!!)"

I love ebay. :p
HAHAHA! dude...we should make a skin for our melee weapon of a rock. and the animation would bash someone over the head with an assault rock
I sold some rubber super balls as "safe target slingshot ammo" for 5 bucks on ebay. People never cease to amaze and amuse me. Quack

i say we sell assaullt rocks with the ego logo carved in for contibutions the clan's servers ;)

down here where im from, theres millons of rocks and every imaginable size and color scattered around the desert so i would be glad to ship youll some for production
are you serious???? who buys a rock

Idk, pet rocks were big in the 70's. I guess it's a social commentary when you think about it

70's = Pet rocks
00's = Fully automatic assault rocks

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