[poll] no dumb icons over soldiers.

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Ok guys since friendly fire is off, would`nt it be more fun and challenging to elimate those silly icons over the soldiers heads? Think of it no more icons when in the way when you want to take that all important shot, and more skill would be envolved in trying to identify the enemy during those intense moments of home flag captures.
I`m not talking about all servers just one to at least try it out (Donner specifically).

What do you think?

hey Harb buddy , you can do this manually on Steam
i forgot how to but i have mine turned off
but check around your option while you are playing DoD
There is a Choice to take them off
If it was up to me, FF would be on.....

i like FF :)
Icons are useful to tell from a distance if it is friend or foe. That way you both don't waste ammo, and can tell what your guys are up to. Sometimes the flash of an icon can tell you if there is a baddie in the churchtop or not, so you don't waste a rocket, nade or whatever.

Anyway, if you don't want icons, turn them off in Options.

Also, FF is best in non-lethal mode. When the kiddies are on the server, they tend to slay every single time, then there are the never ending apologies, and protocols (I slayed you because you didn't say 'sorry'), and other BS.

I stay away from FF servers like the plague. Too many morons out there. If anyone wants FF and "realism" adios and enjoy the other servers.
redshift..i created the poll because ff IS on otherwise if ff were on icons would serve a real purpose...in other words i agree with you, however the poll was not about ff .
It helps new players learn the ropes how many times have you seen a "newbie" shooting you and ehs on your team overall it helps them
Sorry i meant OFF!

redshift..i created the poll because ff IS Off! otherwise if ff were ON icons would serve a REAL purpose...in other words i agree with you, however the poll was not about ff .

No Prisoners!
I don't really like playing without the icons. As a rocket, it just another nice layer of security that I don't waste my precious few rockets. If I come around a corner and there's a guy running right at me, I need that icon to ensure that I'm not gonna look like a fool (ha, as if that were possible!) blowing myself up.

" the never ending apologies, and protocols (I slayed you because you didn't say 'sorry'), and other BS

How true Redshift...I noticed that a lot while playin MOH...not as much here, but than again I havn't been playing this as long
however the poll was not about ff .

I know, I was addressing C-Whit's point. You probably missed that.
Again i`m NOT advocating turning ON FF........just taking OFF the icons!! get it!

We know, it's in OPTIONS, anybody can do it themselves. The topic has moved slightly

I'm waiting for Fluffy to chime in on Icons, FF and how they relate to pineapples !amazed
We already disscused that..maybe you missed it.

Baron Rojo: hey Harb buddy , you can do this manually on Steam
i forgot how to but i have mine turned off
but check around your option while you are playing DoD
There is a Choice to take them off'

Harbs answer:..Yes i did know that but in this case all players would have the same level of difficulty.
i dont think i could play without the icons :S.....

and nooooo fluffy and pineapples..... its all i heard on teamspeak at 6 in the morning after baron got on...lol
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