This is SO cool ! Kind of reminds me of a Christmas wreath with lights (might even be one). If it is fabricated vid, it's a good one. If it's indeed real it is something to think about.
A while back before they were transferred, I had a few friends that were air traffic controllers. If you ever get one in a bar or somewhere social, start them talking on anything unusual they've seen or tracked. You get some really interesting stories, especially the ones that were in the military. A really good one was when one of them was on the job in the UK a few years ago...2004 I think. They tracked a very big object that was clocked at 32000 mph.
A while back before they were transferred, I had a few friends that were air traffic controllers. If you ever get one in a bar or somewhere social, start them talking on anything unusual they've seen or tracked. You get some really interesting stories, especially the ones that were in the military. A really good one was when one of them was on the job in the UK a few years ago...2004 I think. They tracked a very big object that was clocked at 32000 mph.