what is ur fav thing to do

what is ur favorite thing to do when ur not playin dod, or any game for that matter? i was bored so i just thought it might be fun to know what our clanmates do when they r not on the computer

my favorite thing to do is to play lacrosse whenever i possibly can. throughout my neighborhood, i always have a stick (crosse) in my hands, always playing around, trying to do tricks, and just having fun :)
Hmm, let's see.

Playing my Bass Guitar, Sword Fighting (Yes, I have a sword), Zombie Hunting, Hanging out with me friends, Going on dates, Reading, and Organizing my plan to destroy the Sun.

My calenders are pretty full, they are.
Writing stories, confusing the neighbours, collecting antique records, digging up old inventions and war items in the basement, studying foreign language and culture.
Likes: .22 caliber weapons, atv's

Dislikes: mockingbirds( I will write a short story about this later)
watch NFL NFL NFL and yes u guessed it more NFL

=-O I forgot!

Watching Football, Football (American), and Hockey.
Baseball with friends, basketball, basically any sport, reading,... as u can see i dont do much besides that since i dont have a job
hunting, any sports, chillin with my homies, uhh driving my mom crazy...and not doing chores !lol
Messing With Telemarketers...you ever mess with one and get into a huge fake conversation..good times..good times..

Also , paintballing is fun..esspecially headshots..those are always good..

Paintball Paintball and more Paintball also my job, which is reffing ( watching) paintball for money! lol

How long you been a ref? I was a ref/manager at a local field for 3 years.
hmmm.....lets see.... hanging with friends, WATCHING MOVIES!!!, working, camping, riding bike, working on MY plans to destroy the sun, Thor took my idea !grr ....thats bout it
[quote1186894238=Wal-Mart Security]
hmmm.....lets see.... hanging with friends, WATCHING MOVIES!!!, working, camping, riding bike, working on MY plans to destroy the sun, Thor took my idea !grr ....thats bout it


Hey! It's tough for a big Norseman like myself to live in such heat! (Let me in on your plan, we can work together!)