Thank you


Forum Fiend
Thank you blackhawk and slayr for you help last night with the naacp clan.
Like I told their leader It wasnt the Naacp that was the problem. It was what they were puttong behind the tag that was the problem.
Man me and rogue went thru hell until blackhawk showed up.
being called racist and called everything in the book.
thank you for the help cause their were alot of younger people their in the server who were not liking it and wanted to leave.
I told them that it was going to get taken care of and not to leave. I managed to keep most of them their but a couple did leave.
Thanx again
No problem :p Thats why we are here :) You guys did the right thing by getting us and slayr made sure they are banned on all things eGO.
lolz lucky i was there too, im the one that went to grab blackhawk lolz, yea i tryed working with them, i came at them very simple and respectful, but they kept going and going, Im glad i Got alot of O's on my friends list on xfire...always easy to find one to help ya out:) work fellaz, keepz this ball rollin
Im sorry suga i didnt mean to forget you seriously.
I had discussed it with rogue and not you, but thank you for reacting so fast
Man, sounds like whatever happened was bad lol. Good job on getting some O's in there though, best thing to do.