How to get promoted!!


Poster Extraordinaire
This is a easy guide in how to move up the ranks in eGO.
1. Play on our servers ALOT!
We need admin that play and love our game Day of Defeat Source!!
2. WE keep a eye for our e members and eg members that help get the servers going.
We really need admins in the Kustum Kettle rotation server.
3. Get to know your clan adivisors and council.
Look in the roster
4.PM Fluffy the destroyer a short essay explaining your love of the Pinneapple!!
This will get you brownie points.
Ha another way would be to tal kto slayr about Beavers, as fluffy knows as well.

On another note, never ask when you will get promoted, asking is the fastest way to not get promoted
Fun yes, but several hundred billion dollars would also be appreciated.

If anyone here happens to be one of the world's richest individuals, we would appreciate your help.
Or... mail fluffy a giant crate of Pineapples ALONG with the shortessay and couple of cookies. That will make you an instant eG. O_O
Fun yes, but several hundred billion dollars would also be appreciated.

If anyone here happens to be one of the world's richest individuals, we would appreciate your help.

That's me, but I can't donate through the paying methods.
Reasons i love pineapples
1. they taste good
2. good on pizza
3. good in fruit salad
4. remind me of hawaii (nvr been to)
5. because it gave me a new essay topic to write about
[quote1187037019==(eG)=Rogue Sniper]
Reasons i love pineapples
1. they taste good
2. good on pizza
3. good in fruit salad
4. remind me of hawaii (nvr been to)
5. because it gave me a new essay topic to write about
No No No a PM to fluffy the destroyer (she is my recruing reporter)
I check the logs for COAD Keepers. Once a day is all we ask, NO MORE, NO LESS.

Is this done by IP? Because I use IE for it and I don't log in.
...I just spoke as much as possible to as many people as possible who didn't annoy me.

And KILLED Fluffy.

...this whole pineapple thing is just plain...strange. I dare not write an essay about it for fear that my long winded mindset might yield a couple pages worth of pineappley goodness.
You should stay away from this entirely flea. It's not healthy for you...

And..Fluffy already has my essay for promotion...I read it allowed to her on the Flash server when green monkey joined :p
On a more serious note, playing regularly and often on servers that need help getting filled (currently, the Kettle of course), is what is going to get you noticed most, and get you on the fast track to promotion.

We need people are willing to dedicate some of their time to help get the newest server IP off the ground. If you see other servers full, go there... don't just click "Join" a billion times to get into Ava/Donner, etc.