This is the new scope I just edited a few minutes ago.... I need to fix the upper right section. (It overlaps and the gradient gets really heavy.)
I want some honest opinions on why its bad... good... what could be changed to make it better etc.. (Ignore the heavy pixel line on the aimpoint I'm fixing it as I post this.
I can't figure out how to fix the overlapping lines. I'm going to zip up all the stuff I used to make it and leave the link here in case anyone wants to use what I have.... or finish what I started =/

Update: I edited the link to another .zipfile with working scope. (Still overlay lines) They're under the useable folder, just read the readme if you need help installing.
I want some honest opinions on why its bad... good... what could be changed to make it better etc.. (Ignore the heavy pixel line on the aimpoint I'm fixing it as I post this.
I can't figure out how to fix the overlapping lines. I'm going to zip up all the stuff I used to make it and leave the link here in case anyone wants to use what I have.... or finish what I started =/
Note: ZipFile does not contain version with scope blackout removed. If you guys want me to upload that version I can. Update: I edited the link to another .zipfile with working scope. (Still overlay lines) They're under the useable folder, just read the readme if you need help installing.