Myspace Group eGO


EGO Addict
hey people, im thinking of making a myspace group for eGO, i already have a couple member friends so i was wondering if i could make a group. I know eGO is now a trademark, so i really dont wanna get sued now...(im 14...PLEASE HAVE MERCY!!!) so yea, do i need permission or something? Please only respond if you are a council member or advisor.

Can i get a lock after the question is answered? thanks
i made this a thread to also give people a heads up if you have a myspace, if this gets approved, check the groups in a couple of days (sorry i forgot to mention that)
haha, even though FACEBOOK is where its at, i was thinking about just making a myspace group to let us get to know eacother. but now that you mention recruiting...its a thought but i dont know really how to advertise on, i think i could try to reach out to other DoD players by somehow, i dunno
Interesting. Founded 15 July, 2007 by eG EmoRaiden.

Did you mention this to JohnT or Council.....?