So i have never had to go too the DMV and take a drive test to get my license tell yesterday. In Texas ur parents and take a class to be ur instructer, so for my class C and A that i got at 16 & then 18 my dad did it with me. Well i let my class A expire and was required to get atleast a class B for work or i would be looking for a new job right now. It wasnt to bad, i passed it no problem, but the guys at work sure know how to scare u before hand about it. I put it off tell this month and i was required to get it before Sept. so im glad i have it and its done with. Fof those that dont know a class C is what everyone gets just to drive a regular vehical. Class B and A are referred too as CDL's,(Commerical Drivers License.) Meaning dump trucks and tankers, class A are 18 wheelers.