Well...sadly , I must say , a family member of mine , that I was very close to , my grandfather , was diagnosed with Lung Cancer that a few small tumors Have Spread to his liver and , a small tumor , to the back of his neck.
They already started radiation on the one in the neck , and plan to do it for the ones in the Lungs and liver.
Then they plan to do chemo.
Now , I have read on the internet about the average life span , but , has anyone had a similar "problem" with a family member , and , how long did they last before they passed on?
Thanks everyone!,
They already started radiation on the one in the neck , and plan to do it for the ones in the Lungs and liver.
Then they plan to do chemo.
Now , I have read on the internet about the average life span , but , has anyone had a similar "problem" with a family member , and , how long did they last before they passed on?
Thanks everyone!,