Why was stats page thread moved or deleted??

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Guess my post about the stats page being "rigged" made Kendle mad. I was just making point that I was once #1 then bumped to 64 and now bumped competely of list at 263? Got Most Flags/Areas Captured Overall and not even on list? HAHA! Just another clue I am not wanted back in eGO by certain members because I never get a response when I say hello in game or compliment certain people on good gameplay. Starting to feel like I am beating a dead horse here.. %-6
Qoute from Britkitty:
Guess my post about the stats page being "rigged" made Kendle mad. I was just making point that I was once #1 then bumped to 64 and now bumped competely of list at 263? Got Most Flags/Areas Captured Overall and not even on list? HAHA! Just another clue I am not wanted back in eGO by certain members because I never get a response when I say hello in game or compliment certain people on good gameplay. Starting to feel like I am beating a dead horse here..

I moved them to another forum because I am looking for input on how to fix them. And that i released the link stating that they need work. I am not mad, just in a hurry before my baby is born. Here is what I posted in reply before I moved it.

Qoute from Kendle:
I moved this thread since I am mainly looking for input/ideas.

Just an FYI. I cannot change anything on the stats personally. I need to collect/gather information and create a trouble ticket to be sent to the server admin (Deacon), then wait for him to make the changes and recompile the stats. This is not a copy of the stats I used to have on my site, and we have to start over with the tweaks, changes, ect.

So far my list of changes are,

- Add =(e)= =(eG)= =(eGO)= tags for the clans page
- Get the weapons images updated
- Try and figure out how to have players names show up by last connect instead of amount of connections.
- ask to see the stats.cfg file to make sure everything is correct.

I was also thinking of decreasing the minimum amount of kills to 250 instead of 400. Any objections?
CONGRATS ON THE BABY! :) You know if its going to be a boy or a girl?

I would like to give input too but... =(e)= and only able to see general forum..just seems very odd I am all the way back at 263 when just the other night I got over 150 flags. My flag total is well over 2,000 by now for sure. Just seems odd. Then again it comes down to creed. "Skill level has nothing to do with your invite. Maturity has everything to do with it. We would rather have someone who can barely play, is a lot of fun and carries with them a sense of integrity, than someone who is PWNTASTIC and acts immature. " The irony is I helped write the creed and i'm on the outside looking in.
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