How about something like a factory building, with a couple of ruined floors that hug the sides of the building, the centers having fallen into rubble. So from the inside rubble laden ground floor, you look up to the remainder of the second and third floor that are little more than two person catwalks full of crumbling brick, stone, I-beams, desks, etc.....kind of the same concept as in the movie, Enemy at the Gates. In this case, you hit a stairway at the end that brings you to the second floor, then jump out a window to a flag the 2nd allies flag on Avalanche.
The route could comprise the "hard way" to cap a flag. Players on the upper floors can fire downwards, but those downwards can knock them out with nades, snipes, rifles and mg's. Anyway, the scenario has possibilities. If you've ever seen the movie, you have a general knowledge of what I mean.
The "easy" way is only
marginally easier and could involve rushing from the middle and opening yourself to being picked off by multipe mg, snipe or assault players along the way.
A few pics/links are below:
An outside pic of the area:
The danger in having this scenario is the number of players that will want to rename themselves to "Zietsev" and "Koenig" ;-p
Anyway, just dropping you a couple of ideas, since you asked.