still alive....and well


Obey your master
*fyi to the grammar police - i'm drugged up more than tommy lee atm, you can deal with no caps and bad gramar*

just got home from my surgery at the hospital. everything went great through the procedure. the strictures are gone, they biopsied my throat which hurts like hell atm, and did everything that needed to be done. i had/am having a reaction to the drugs they gave me so i'm really light headed and i was puking for a while when i came too at the hospital.

the condition MIGHT return when i get older. they don't know. for now, i have to take a reflux drug every day to make sure it dosen't happen. if that doesn't work, an asthma inhaler is the other alternative. but for now, i'm ok.
no pills, it was the stuff they gave me via the hole in my hand to put me under. i was never under totally although to me it seems like it. they gave me an amnesiatic drug so that i wouldn;t remember and another drug to relieve discomfort. they don't put you totally under so that you can kinda take directions. although, to me, it seems that i was 100% out. i went to sleep in recovery for like 2 hours and when i woke up i got really sick.

oh i will baron. i can eat like normal now so i can get my energy back which means i can stay on the servers more than 20 minutes before i feel like passing out. :)
thanks =)

from what my mom tells me (she was the one that had to drive me home and was in recovery with me), the first thing i said when i came to was 'those f$#%ing bunnies" over and over like 4 times. i have no clue what the
thanks =)

from what my mom tells me (she was the one that had to drive me home and was in recovery with me), the first thing i said when i came to was 'those f$#%ing bunnies" over and over like 4 times. i have no clue what the

Haha, I think it's a law to say something profane when you come to after a surgery. When I woke up after leg surgery last year the first thing I said was "Stupid B*tch."

I guess it just happens.
they might be giving you oxycotten. thats some strong stuff there. when i had surgery on my chest they gave me it to ease the pain and it knocked me right out. they also might be giving you valium.
Welcome back MOP! Hope to see you in the servers soon. Last time I had surgery... apparently I hit on the nurses... I don't remember doing so, b/c I was on some really good iv drugs at the time.
Hey MoP, glad you made it! Enjoy yourself and no more sword and sausage swallowing!

sheesh... you think people would learn after the first time.

jk bro lol, Get well!
Thanks for the well wishes =)

I got a call from the hospital today. They said they gave me a "super dosage of the knock out drug" (direct quote). They said that they give young men a bigger dose because they usually metabolize it quicker - well, they gave me WAY too damn much. Better today, but I feel like I have a REALLY bad hangover. It brings back a lot of memories from high school summer parties. Lol. Should be back up and around tomorrow. Now, I'm going back to bed. :p