[poll] Do you change your own oil?


Obey your master
Do you change your own oil on your motorized mode of transportation?

I do not. Well, it's more that I can't. Where I live it is a $5,000 fine if you're caught even emptying the oil out of your car/motorcycle. My neighborhood is on top of a sensitive part of an aquifer. I either have to go to a Jiffy Lube for my car, an HD stealership for my bike, or go to a friends place that's at least 10 miles in any direction
Nah, I read up on how to do it once but it's too much of a hassle. I just go to the maintenance shop near my house to get it done.
yeah it might be way easier for somone else to do it, but it wil save you so much money if you go and by the filter and oil and do it yourself, i cant change my filter on my new car because you need some special wrench, but i used to change it everytime in my old camry
I change my own oil on my car and bike. also do the brakes. tune ups. anything that has to do with my car i do it myself. plus saving money also. i don't trust people with my car. Whatever you do.. . . . DO NOT TAKE IT TO JIFFY LUBE. Very bad places to go. they leave filters loose. drain plugs loose. Trust me i used to work in a shop !!!
this is the sadest thing im about to say but...
my SISTER changes the oil and i dont, lol yea but her boyfriend is like a mechanic or sumin so thats how she knows so....
a real man changes his own oil. there is a sense of pride in it.

yeah ive had to pull the engine out of my truck twice, so changing oil is no big deal.
I change my own oil every 3 months. Speaking of, I gotta get the filters and a few cases of oil soon...my 3 months is up...thanks for the reminder MOP lol. I gotta get the High Mileage stuff lol. It's hard finding that in cases though..most of the stores just unload them all on the shelves :(