[poll] Ebay?

I've been a big Diablo 2 gamer ever since it came out. I use Ebay to buy and sell items in the game. I've also bought an engine and transmission for my car, sold some cars and boats, and purchased gifts for friends and family. I've had some negative experiences in dealing with Ebay, but nothing to totally deter me from using it.
Yeah I have used it before and actually still do from time to time. I've bought everything from computer parts to video games/DVD's/books to brand new polo/abercrombie jackets to just about anything when I see a very good price for something that maybe won't go up to much in bids.

In fact, I buy quite a bit off the sister site Half.com. I put together whole books series that way pretty quick and easy.

For example I ordered all of David Weber's Honor Harrington series except the latest one and had them come in one after another relatively quick. Now I just have to find the time to actually read them all too i only have just now started to read in the first book lol.
I use eBay as a price gauge only. I sell VROD parts and HD stuff on 1130cc.com and I use eBay to get an idea of the price I should sell them for.
I never used E-bay, but i AM using the Dutch version, it's the same i guess. Selling my vinyl-collection, and some times buying new -hard to get- vinyls from all sorts of rockbands.
psst... if u have the patience u can buy/sell and make profit off ebay... my friend does it and he does he profit but im not stating the ammount ;D