what is about these PM's + logging off

Idk what is wrong with me but every time I get on the website I get excited if I have any PM's I just can not wait to read what it says. Is it just me or does any one else feel this way? Also I have a qeustion why do people log off of forums? what happens if you do not?
Nothing. I'm logged in all the time.

Anyway, yes I suppose I enjoy getting PMs. I'm not getting all giddy in my seat but it usually gives me something to feel special about. Even if it's one that's been sent to the entire clan.
Of course, with no real living friends, and only grapefruits to keep me company and this cellar room for my computer, a pm now and then makes me tingle funnily...o_O

Yeah, I like pm's...got like 300...send about the same amount.
Some get perked up whenever there is a PM or email.

I have my PC set up to give a "You have transmissions holding" alert whenever an email or IM message appears. It's a computer voice from Babylon 5 and kind of cool.

Have a listen:

When I'm home and away from the PC, I can hear it on the speakers no matter where I am in the house.
You log out if you are using a public computer like at a library or at your friends house.

Also, make sure your friend is signed up with Pandora through Arti's sig! haha